COVID-19 Survey II (2021)
Policy, Risks & Preparedness
Section 03
Survey Overview and Demographics
General Overview
Geographic Coverage: United States
- 68.9% Biology
- 21.7% Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 9.4% Biochemistry
Response Overview
Sample Size: 1914
Valid Responses: 291
Response Rate: 15.7
Date initial findings posted: 06.17.21
Most recent update: 06.17.21
Days survey in field: 34
Average response time: 13
Survey Demographics
Respondent Demographics:
- 39.9% Female
- 60% Male
- 100% Academic
- 0% Industry
Language(s): English
Section Overview
In this second round survey on COVID-19, we asked scientists about the ways in which their professional and personal lives have been impacted over the past year. We also asked their opinions on policy issues related to the pandemic. You can see results from last year’s survey here.
Since June 1, 2020, have you contributed your expertise to help address the COVID-19 pandemic in any of the following ways? (N=278)

The most commonly reported way in which scientists helped to address the pandemic is through the provision of lab supplies or equipment to other researchers (27%). 15% of the respondents helped disseminate COVID-19 research findings to the public, while less than a tenth (6%) reported responding to media requests about the pandemic, or collaborating on experiments relevant to COVID-19.
In your opinion, should pharmaceutical companies waive their intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccine technology, making their patents publicly available?

Almost 70% of scientists agree that pharmaceutical companies should make their COVID-19 vaccine technology patents publicly available.
In your opinion, should the following organizations require proof of vaccination (with some exemptions)?

While there is variation by type of organization, in general, scientists indicate that organizations should require proof of vaccination in some cases.
The majority of scientists responded that airlines should require proof of vaccination for both international (88%) and domestic (80%) flights and 84% responded that universities should require proof of vaccination.
Half or more of scientists responded that entertainment facilities (57%), sporting events (56%), and movie theaters (50%) should require proof all of the time.
Less than half responded that proof of vaccination should be required for public transportation (43%), businesses (42%), restaurants and bars (40%).
Overall, how effectively do you believe the U.S. government has managed the COVID-19 disease pandemic?

39% of scientists said that the US government is managing the COVID-19 pandemic very effectively (5%) or somewhat effectively (34%).